New Year’s Resolution



Ok dont punch me just yet, I was joking.

But it doesn’t change that fact that I, Astrid, actually pin pointed some poorer areas within me and is planning to change. A tad bit. A lot. Boohoo.

1. Try to be more confident.

The way I carry myself. The way I feel about myself. Try to stop doubting myself, you know? I want to be able to pick out something to wear without worrying about what people will say. I want to say things that are funny to me and not worry about it being funny to them. I want to voice out my opinions, loud and clear. I want to be able to walk alone with my head held high, not caring about what people will say about me. Like being able to gym without being awkward. Or morning jog without being hesitant.

2. Commitments

Like I said in my previous blog. But also on more practical things, like committing to my gym/study/eating plans. Committing on my friends and boys per say.

3. Time Management

Hi 5 minutes in the morning feels like 10 seconds so fuck where did my life go. Sleep earlier, wake up earlier and go for BREAKFAST. Breakfast is crucial. LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Plus, while you’re at it, please get a 2014 planner and actually make use of it. It’s not there to look pretty. After prep, if you promise to study then please don’t go to the west end and eat a toastie (you promised never to eat after 8 pm). Maybe come up with a study plan when you’re feeling nerdy. Don’t cram for Saturday tests omfg they’re the worst. P.s. probably will fail but at least you tried.


For SATs. For AS Levels. For EMPA. For Assessed Practicals. For coursework. For LIFE. Aim for 90s not 70s. (hate how I’m leaving my insatiable party life to sound this nerdy so un-astridy)

Aim for the moon and if you fail, you’ll at least reach the stars.

5. Be grateful.

CLICHE ALERT! But seriously, please do. Stop asking for more, maybe you have less than the person next to you but I can assure you that you have more than A LOT of people in the world. (that means enough shopping and demanding, an iphone 5 is just as good as the 5s)

6. Be opened.

Let people get to know you. Update old friends and family.

7. Feel again.

Stop being ignorant and numb to everything just because everything is better for a while. They will always be right behind you. Fix things. Discover yourself. Find out who you are.


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9. Commit (BIG WORD) to something new this year

I was thinking body combat. I really want to learn to punch someone and fire a gun.

10. Stop being so insecure.

2014, please be good to me.

Yours Always,

you see me rollin’, you hatin’